SAN - links of joy - Bag navnet står design-parret Bent og Sue Sandek,som startede firmaet i 1990.Vi designer og producerer smykkerne i vores workshop,så hvis du ønsker individuelle kombinationer/længder m.m. udover det som er vist i webshoppen, så kontakt os bare på mail/tlf.Mange gange kan det udføres uden merpris. Alt produceret i Sterlingsølv, 9 - 14 & 18 karat guld med kombinationer af Ferskvandsperler/Diamanter & Ædelsten Alle smykker stemplet med vort registreret navnestempel SAN & holdighedsstemplet 925-375-585 eller 750
Vore smykker bliver idag solgt til guldsmedeforretninger i hele Danmark /Norden & Storbritannien
SAN - links of joy - Bent & Xue Sandek is the designer couple behind the name, who started the jewellery workshop in 1990
in the beautiful town of Ry located in the middle of Jutland in Denmark.
We design and produce the majority of the jewellery ourselves, which gives us the opportunity to offer our customers
a personal and unique service, and not least, an unusual and creative design.
The jewellery is mainly produced in Sterling Silver with different surfaces that reflect current trends and made with
high quality craftsmanship.
Ønsker du at forhandle vore smykker- er du velkommen til at
sende en mail under Kontakt - klik her
Vore smykker bliver idag solgt til guldsmedeforretninger i hele Danmark /Norden & Storbritannien
SAN - links of joy - Bent & Xue Sandek is the designer couple behind the name, who started the jewellery workshop in 1990
in the beautiful town of Ry located in the middle of Jutland in Denmark.
We design and produce the majority of the jewellery ourselves, which gives us the opportunity to offer our customers
a personal and unique service, and not least, an unusual and creative design.
The jewellery is mainly produced in Sterling Silver with different surfaces that reflect current trends and made with
high quality craftsmanship.
Ønsker du at forhandle vore smykker- er du velkommen til at
sende en mail under Kontakt - klik her